Date |
title etc |
1863 |
1863-Slave-owners-Saba.docx |
1903 |
1903-Hamelberg.pdf “De Nederlanders op de West-Indische
eilanden”, J.H.J. Hamelberg |
1903 |
1903-Hamelberg-EN.docx |
1932 | 1932, De Geschiedenis van de Bovenwindsche Eilanden, prof. Dr. L.Knappert |
1934-12 |
National-Geographic-Dec-1934 |
1940-11 |
National-Geographic-Nov-1940 |
1975 |
1975-HISTORY OF SABA-Hartog.pdf |
1979 |
1979-Saban Lore WillJohnson.pdf Revised edition 1983 by Will Johnson |
1990 |
Saban Cottages, Watercolours by Heleen Cornet, Introductions by Ruth Hassell and Frans H, Brugman |
1994 | De geschiedenis van
de WIC, Henk den Heijer (Paar regels over Saba op blz 149) |
1995 |
1995-The monuments of Saba.pdf “The Monuments of Saba”, Dr. Ir. Frans H. Brugman |
1997 |
The Nature
of Saba, De Natuur van Saba The Nature
of Saba, 10 years of conservation work, Tom van ‘t Hof |
2003 | Riches
from Atlantic Commerce, Chapter 14, pages 385-445 “An Assessment of Dutch
Transatlantic Commerce, Pages , Victor Enthoven |
2004 |
2010-10-06 |
2010-10-06-SABA-GESCHIEDENIS.doc |
2010-10-10 |
Monumenteneilandsverordening Saba 2010 _ Lokale wet- en regelgeving.mhtml 2010-10-10-Monumenteneilandsverordening Saba 2010 _ Lokale wet- en regelgeving.pdf Lokale wet-en regelgeving Saba: Monumenteneilandsverordening Saba 2010 |
2012-01 |
2012-01-Folder_NRF_Financiele_ondersteuning_voor_monumenten__Ned_.pdf Nationaal Restauratiefonds,
folder voor BES-eilanden |
2011 |
Website with inventory of Saba private
graveyards, started in 2011 by Rene Caderius van Veen, updated but still
needs more updates and research, |
2012-03-01 |
naar privé begraafplaatsjes op Saba - De
Erfgoedstem.pdf |
2013-05- |
2013-05-Saba-Worldheritage-EN.doc |
2014-03 |
1780, slaves-saba.doc |
2014-06 |
Heemschut Unspoiled queen.pdf |
2016 | Saba’s first inhabitants, Corinne L. Hofman,
Menno L.P. Hoogland A story of 3300 years of Amerindian occupation prior to European
contact (1800BC-AD 1492) |
2016 |
A Lee chip: |
2016-03-03 |
2016-03-03-Land of hope and dreams slavery and abolition in the Dutch
Leeward islands 1825 1865.pdf and abolition in the Dutch Leeward islands,
1825–1865, Slavery & Abolition”, Jessica Vance Roitman |
2016-04 |
2016-04-APV.pdf “General Local Ordinance Pubic Entity Saba” |
2016-09 |
2016-09-Saba Open Monuments days.doc Announcement |
2016-12-21 |
2016-12-21-Heemschut-brf 2016-council.pdf Letter Heemschut to
Saba council about protection of Cultural Heritage |
2016-12-21 |
2016-12-21-Heemschut-brf executive-council
about protection of Cultural Heritage |
2017-01-01 |
2017-01-01- Heemschut
asks island council of Saba
for integral heritage policy.pdf HEEMSCHUT asks island council of Saba to come
up with integral heritage policy |
? |
Westindischecompagnie.doc De West-Indische Compagnie, van kolonisatie
naar handel Artikel voor hetMARITIEM
MUSEUM (Curaçao) samengesteld door Jack Schellekens
2024-06 |
2024-06-Saba’s particuliere begraafplaatsjes.pdf |